The Global Development Network has a three-pronged strategy which guides its programs around the world. Download the full strategy paper here.
GDN's program experience
- Annual Global Development Conference 2019. An international conference on Knowledge for Development: the Research-Policy Nexus. For more information please contact rangelescu@gdn.int
- Building Research Capacity in Least Developed Countries. A program funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The pilot ended in March 2017 and GDN is seeking to scale up this line of work. After a successful pilot, GDN is seeking to scale up this intervention. Please contact fobino@gdn.int for details.
- Development Aid Effectiveness in Africa. A program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) until May 2018 to promote African research on key development issues. For details contact fobino@gdn.int
- Doing Research - Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries. A program initially funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). After a successful pilot of seven studies in 11 developing countries, a systematic approach for assessing and benchmarking social science research systems was developed. In its scale-up phase, the Doing Research program is being implemented in Bolivia, Indonesia, and Nigeria. GDN is seeking to scale up this intervention to 50 countries. Please contact fobino@gdn.int for details.
- EIB-GDN Program in Applied Development Finance. A program funded by the European Investment Bank until November 2019. For details contact achaudhuri@gdn.int.
- Global Dev. A blog focused on global development research and expert opinion on a variety of topics to inform policymakers about the latest trends and analysis emerging from research in developing and transition countries around the world. For details contact fobino@gdn.int
- Global Development Awards Competition. An annual competition funded by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan through the Policy & Human Resources Development Fund and the Japan Social Development Fund of the World Bank. For details contact fobino@gdn.int
- Mobilizing Local Knowledge to Improve Competitiveness Strategies. A project funded by the World Bank focused on the role of manufacturing in economic transformation. Please contact pbertrand@gdn.int for details.
- Natural Resource Management - Natural Wealth Accounting. A program funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI). After a successful pilot, GDN is seeking to scale up funding for this line of work. Please contact pbertrand@gdn.int for more details.
- Quality & Productivity Improvement in the Private and Public Sector: Roles and Lessons from Kaizen Approaches. A program funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency - Research Institute (JICA-RI). Please contact pbertrand@gdn.int for details.
- Strengthening the Research Capacity of Small Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to Promote Better Informed Policymaking. This program is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) till April 2018. For details contact fobino@gdn.int
For more information, please go to programs from the navigation bar on this website, or contact the Head of Programs, Francesco Obino, on fobino@gdn.int