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The Global Development Network has a three-pronged strategy which guides its programs around the world.  Download the full strategy paper here.

GDN's program experience

  1. Annual Global Development Conference 2019. An international conference on Knowledge for Development: the Research-Policy Nexus. For more information please contact
  2. Building Research Capacity in Least Developed Countries. A program funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The pilot ended in March 2017 and GDN is seeking to scale up this line of work. After a successful pilot, GDN is seeking to scale up this intervention. Please contact for details.
  3. Development Aid Effectiveness in Africa.  A program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) until May 2018 to promote African research on key development issues. For details contact
  4. Doing Research - Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in Developing Countries. A program initially funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). After a successful pilot of seven studies in 11 developing countries, a systematic approach for assessing and benchmarking social science research systems was developed. In its scale-up phase, the Doing Research program is being implemented in Bolivia, Indonesia, and Nigeria. GDN is seeking to scale up this intervention to 50 countries. Please contact for details.
  5. EIB-GDN Program in Applied Development Finance. A program funded by the European Investment Bank until November 2019. For details contact
  6. Global Dev. A blog focused on global development research and expert opinion on a variety of topics to inform policymakers about the latest trends and analysis emerging from research in developing and transition countries around the world. For details contact 
  7. Global Development Awards Competition. An annual competition funded by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan through the Policy & Human Resources Development Fund and the Japan Social Development Fund of the World Bank. For details contact
  8. Mobilizing Local Knowledge to Improve Competitiveness Strategies. A project funded by the World Bank focused on the role of manufacturing in economic transformation. Please contact for details.
  9. Natural Resource Management - Natural Wealth Accounting. A program funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), French Ministry of Foreign A­ffairs and International Development (MAEDI). After a successful pilot, GDN is seeking to scale up funding for this line of work. Please contact for more details.
  10. Quality & Productivity Improvement in the Private and Public Sector: Roles and Lessons from Kaizen ApproachesA program funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency - Research Institute (JICA-RI). Please contact for details.
  11. Strengthening the Research Capacity of Small Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to Promote Better Informed  Policymaking. This program is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) till April 2018.  For details contact 

For more information, please go to programs from the navigation bar on this website, or contact the Head of Programs, Francesco Obino, on