Registrations now open. Take part in the #K4SD International Youth Competition, and possibly win... More
In 2007, and for the first time in human history, more than 50 percent of the world’s population... More
People forget that a ‘visualisation’ of any kind is just an aid. It needs to say something solid. Read a blog by Madhuri Dass Woudenberg on The Research Whisperer on how to approach data visualization | How can research lead to Greener Outcomes? Read a piece by Pierre Jacquet on the Green Climate Fund blog on how research can facilitate bottom up understanding of local natural and social facts | Less than 30% of the world's researchers are women. Read this op-ed in The Hindustan Times by GDN's Ramona Angelescu Naqvi and Madhuri Dass Woudenberg on how to include more women in social science research.
This month's GDNews brings to you the latest on our conference, the last chance to be an EIB-GDN... More
Q&A with Emmanuel Jimenez, Executive Director of the International Initiative for Impact... More
The Global Development Network has been awarding researchers and development practitioners for... More